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here be medcore

i'm into yami-kawaii and menhera aesthetics. something romantic about a clinical, sterile atmosphere.

game reviews

going here on the homepage until i find a better place for them

togainu no chi

i ADORE rin!!

this is more the level of gore i thought rn9 would have. there's necrophilia in the common route. there's disemboweling. there's human pet guy (anime boy edition). this game is positively bursting with gratuitous violence. so if you're not into that kind of thing you may want to sit this one out.

however, me being the weirdo i am, i had a wonderful time.

stepping back for critical objectivity (as much as I, A Subjectively Inclined Human, can get): some routes are better-written than others. the common route drags a bit. there are places where it becomes difficult to tell What The Point Of All This Shit Is. i was heavily looking forward to the true route but it turned out to be the weakest. i may only think that because my two favorite characters faded out of the story and i didn't get the answers about the intriguing side characters i was hoping for.

now back to the compliment part of the compliment sandwich. if you're freakily-minded like me it's worth playing for the well-written routes, because the good parts of this game are. so so good. rin's route is my favorite, closely followed by shiki's ed1. rin and shiki are my faves. i think rin might even have displaced madarame as my favorite n+c love interest. which is a tall order for me. i love madarame.

objectively speaking this is not a literary masterpiece. but it does what it set out to do, which is deliver a dark, gory, harrowing story about fucked-up men having fucked-up sex. 7.5/10.

room no. 9

i passed out while playing it. i feel like that counts for something.

seriously this game is not for the faint of heart but if you read all the content warnings and still think you can handle it i say go for it. it's intense and deeply personal. the sex scenes toe the line between erotic and horrific. some of them take a clear position on one side of that line and some of them swing between extremes and some of them sit uncomfortably in the middle. daichi is (imho) the perfect protagonist for this type of game, because he is so lovable yet so deliciously flawed. he has such complex interiority. seiji is seiji. it's great.

ending a is my favorite ending. ough...daichi...

i thought there'd be more gore though. 8/10.